Facing IoT Deployment Issues?

iot deployment services,IoT Deployment Issues,Solving IoT Deployment Challenges,Challenges: IoT Deployment,Complexities and challenges of IoT Deployment

By 2023, global spending on Internet of Things (IoT) technology hit a whopping $805 billion

As internet use skyrockets, it’s almost expected that new devices and appliances connect to the internet. This growing network of interconnected gadgets is known as the Internet of Things (IoT). Before long, nearly everything we use will be part of this vast web.

The surge in IoT is driven by advances in technology. With new sensors, increased computing power, and better mobile connectivity, IoT devices are becoming more efficient and affordable. As sensor technology improves and costs drop, even more innovative and connected devices will emerge.

IoT Technology

When it comes to IoT technologies, connectivity and innovation converge to reshape our interaction with the world is incredibly important. 

From LTE (4G) to LTE CAT M1, NB-IoT, and the imminent 5G, these cellular technologies, along with IoT itself, are revolutionising how we connect everyday objects and enabling transformative experiences across industries. Together, they form the foundation of a connected ecosystem, empowering businesses, governments, and individuals to realise the full potential of the Internet of Things.

  • 4G: The Foundation of Modern Connectivity

At the heart of most contemporary smartphones lies 4G technology, the fourth generation of cellular networks. While primarily known for enabling voice calls, SMS, and data transmission, 4G, often synonymous with LTE (Long-Term Evolution), represents a robust framework supporting modern communication infrastructures.

  • Understanding LTE Variants: CAT-M1 and NB-IoT

Within the reality of LTE, several variants exist, each catering to specific needs and use cases. CAT-M1, also known as LTE-M, prioritises power efficiency and extended signal range, making it ideal for IoT applications. On the other hand, NB-IoT (CAT-NB1) takes this emphasis further by focusing on maximising signal distance and minimising power consumption, albeit at the expense of data speeds.

  • The Coexistence of 4G and 5G

As we venture into the era of 5G, it’s crucial to recognize that 4G technologies like CAT-M1 and NB-IoT are expected to remain relevant. Despite the buzz surrounding 5G’s high-speed capabilities and low latency, the efficiency and reliability of 4G variants ensure their continued utilisation, especially in areas lacking 5G coverage.

  • Seeing the Potential of 5G

While 4G laid the groundwork for modern connectivity, 5G aims to revolutionise it further by offering unparalleled data speeds and minimal latency. Beyond smartphones, these advancements hold immense potential for applications like augmented reality and autonomous vehicles, where real-time data transmission is important.

Problem: The Complexities and challenges of IoT Deployment

A total of 3 in 4 businesses struggle to deploy IoT projects because of connectivity challenges. Respondents identified the most important connectivity attributes as reliability, security, and network coverage.

Unreliable Cellular Connectivity = Unreliable Products

Unreliable cellular service isn’t merely inconvenient; it results in brand damage, customer frustration, and ultimately revenue loss when products fail to meet expectations.

Furthermore, beyond power outages, the following factors contributing to cellular unreliability are entirely beyond your control as a connectivity-focused professional:

From smart cities and industries to buildings and homes, the IoT continues to expand, with an increasing number of digitally enabled devices communicating intelligently to enhance monitoring, control, and safety. This evolution is reshaping how we interact with data and processes, as well as how machines communicate with each other. In our pursuit of everything smart, the challenges, however, are mounting for industrial networks to come to grips with the demands of the Industrial IoT.

However, as we dive deeper into the reality of smart technologies, industrial networks face mounting challenges in meeting the demands of the Industrial IoT. Interoperability emerges as a major concern, with 77% of respondents in a recent Nexus survey highlighting it as their primary challenge. In light of this and various other requirements, companies must seek solutions that ensure seamless operation in the face of these complexities.

Challenges: IoT Deployment

  1. Poor Cellular Coverage: Ensuring reliable cellular coverage across different locations is crucial for IoT deployment. Remote areas may lack proper cellular infrastructure, causing connectivity issues for IoT devices.
  2. Network Reliability Issues: Even with good coverage, network reliability can be a problem. Signal interference, congestion, and fluctuations in signal strength can disrupt data transmission, affecting IoT device performance.
  3. Connectivity Limitations: IoT devices often operate in challenging environments. Buildings, underground areas, and remote locations can weaken signals, making it hard to maintain consistent connectivity.
  4. Interoperability Challenges: Integrating diverse IoT devices and platforms can be tricky. Different vendors use different protocols, making communication between devices and systems complex.
  5. Security Concerns: With more connected devices comes increased security risks. Protecting data, securing communication channels, and implementing strong authentication methods are vital for IoT security.
  6. Scalability Requirements: As IoT deployments grow, scalability becomes crucial. Infrastructure, networks, and platforms must handle more devices and data without sacrificing performance or reliability.
Frustration: Ineffective IoT Connectivity

In the Industrial IoT, prioritising network reliability is crucial. Because industrial applications are often mission-critical, failing to get the message through, particularly in times of emergency, can result in costly and even disastrous consequences. However, not all wireless connectivity options offer the same level of reliability. Hence, choosing the appropriate technology for your specific use case is crucial for the sustained success of your IoT project and the realisation of its benefits. Without reliable connectivity, organisations are deprived of the essential visibility into existing processes, equipment, and production, hindering strategic decision-making capabilities.

Here are 4 major consequences of unreliable IoT connectivity in industrial environments.

  • Unplanned Downtime

Based on the Vanson Bourne Research Study, approximately 82% of companies encountering unplanned downtime in the last three years have endured outages averaging four hours, resulting in an estimated loss of two million dollars. Eighty percent of companies acknowledge that IoT has the potential to mitigate this unplanned downtime, with achieving zero unplanned downtime now topping the priority list for 72% of organisations.

  • Worker Safety

Approximately 13,455,000 workers in manufacturing industries face the risk of fatal and nonfatal injuries. According to the National Safety Council (NSC), the primary causes of work-related injuries in the U.S. are overexertion, slips, trips, and falls, and contact with objects and equipment. These three factors combined contribute to over 84% of all nonfatal accidents in the workplace.

  • Product Quality

Unreliable industrial IoT connectivity poses a significant challenge in terms of quality control. Technicians rely heavily on this data to fine-tune equipment and streamline production lines, aiming for consistent process parameters and eliminating inefficiencies. Moreover, monitoring and regulating ambient conditions, such as temperature and humidity, are crucial for maintaining product quality and safety throughout the supply chain, especially in industries like pharmaceuticals and food and beverage. Any disruptions to connectivity and data accessibility can disrupt production, increase product waste, and ultimately affect customer relationships.

You can say goodbye to these challenges and say hello to the ETM770-PRO Cellular Signal Analyzer. 

Your ultimate companion for precise cellular network analysis, right in the palm of your hand. Powered by batteries for unmatched portability, this handheld device is engineered to measure coverage and various parameters across all major cellular operators, spanning 2G, 3G, 4G, NB1, NB2, and CatM1 technologies at any given location.

But that’s not all. The ETM770 isn’t just a tool; it’s your ticket to quality assurance for remote sites, including modems and large-scale smart metre installations across diverse cellular networks. 

Whether you’re troubleshooting, optimising, or simply ensuring peak performance, the ETM770 is your trusted ally in maintaining seamless connectivity and reliability. The ETM770-PRO is used widely by installation professionals deploying cellular enabled IoT devices such as smart metres, routers, modems and can also be used to rapidly determine optimal antenna type, size or location.

Technicians can see accurate and instant display of key signal quality parameters; RSRP, RSRQ, RSSI, SINR in addition to GPS location data. Displayed data is stored locally and can be simultaneously uploaded in near real-time to ETM hosted cloud dashboard for later retrieval and archiving.

A SIM from the desired cellular network operator is inserted providing actual end to end connectivity information including Ping Test data. The unit is recharged from standard USB chargers supplied in the kit which includes a wide range of accessories and optional rugged silicone protective cover.

Benefits of ETM770

Solving IoT Deployment Challenges through ETM770-PRO 

The ETM770-PRO is a game-changer in the world of IoT deployment, offering a suite of features designed to address key challenges and streamline the deployment process.

  1. Comprehensive Cellular Coverage Assessment: Equipped with advanced measurement capabilities, the ETM770-PRO provides detailed insights into cellular coverage at any location. By conducting comprehensive coverage assessments across multiple frequencies and technologies (2G, 3G, 4G, NB1, NB2, CatM1), it helps deployment teams identify areas of weak or inadequate coverage, enabling strategic placement of IoT devices for optimal performance.
  2. Optimal Network Operator Selection:  One of the standout features of the ETM770-PRO is its ability to analyse and evaluate the performance of multiple network operators simultaneously. By conducting real-time measurements and assessments, it helps determine which network operator offers the best coverage, reliability, and performance in a given area. This empowers deployment teams to make informed decisions when selecting network operators, ensuring seamless connectivity for IoT devices.
  3. Antenna Configuration Optimisation: The ETM770-PRO goes beyond basic coverage assessment by offering advanced antenna configuration optimisation capabilities. By analysing signal strength, quality, and other relevant parameters, it helps deployment teams fine-tune antenna configurations to maximise signal reception and minimise interference. This optimisation process is crucial for ensuring reliable and consistent connectivity for IoT devices, especially in challenging environments with varying signal conditions.


How does signal testing work?


Empowering Seamless IoT Connectivity

In conclusion, the rapid growth of IoT technology, evidenced by the staggering $805 billion spent globally by 2023, highlights the pervasive nature of connectivity in our modern world. With an increasing number of devices becoming Internet-enabled, the IoT ecosystem is expanding rapidly, promising transformative experiences across industries. 

Advanced technologies like LTE, CAT-M1, NB-IoT, and 5G are driving this evolution, enabling seamless connectivity and empowering businesses, governments, and individuals alike. However, challenges such as poor cellular coverage, network reliability issues, and interoperability concerns persist, hindering the full realisation of IoT’s potential. 

However, tools like the ETM770-PRO Cellular Signal Analyzer provide a ray of hope by offering thorough coverage assessment, optimal network operator selection, and antenna configuration optimization. These solutions streamline IoT deployment and guarantee dependable connectivity. Armed with such tools, we can tackle these obstacles and unlock numerous advantages of the Internet of Things.

If you have any queries, don’t hesitate to Contact us now





4G represents the fourth generation of cellular technologies, commonly found in most modern smartphones. It facilitates the transmission of voice calls, SMS, and data to and from your device. However, its utility extends beyond this primary function. Often, the term “4G” is used interchangeably with LTE, which serves as the underlying technology standard supporting 4G networks.

LTE, or Long-Term Evolution, is the foundational technology for the fourth generation of cellular networks. While LTE is commonly associated with mobile phone communication, there exist various LTE variants such as CAT-3, CAT-2, CAT-1, CAT-M1, and CAT-NB1. These different categories represent cellular technologies characterised by varying data speeds, frequency spectrum, power usage, and signal range.


CAT-M1, also known as LTE-M, is a classification within the LTE family of cellular technologies. Sometimes referred to simply as “LTE-M,” it serves as an alternative name for the same technology.

As discussed in the LTE section, different categories offer varying data speeds, frequency spectrum, power usage, and signal range. Choosing between categories involves weighing these factors and making trade-offs to optimise performance.

CAT-M1 prioritises power efficiency and extended signal range over data rate, making it an ideal cellular technology for IoT applications. Its lower data rates enable signals to travel farther distances with reduced power consumption.


NB-IoT, also known as CAT-NB1, shares similarities with CAT-M1 as it is primarily tailored for IoT devices, emphasising signal range and power efficiency over data speeds. However, NB-IoT takes this trade-off further by employing even lower data speeds than CAT-M1, resulting in slightly greater signal distance and lower power consumption.

LTE-capable devices initially operate on the CAT-M1 network. However, they possess the technical capability for NB-IoT access, which could potentially be activated through a firmware update in the future if there is a demand for it.


Like 4G, 5G lacks a specific technical definition and instead includes a broad range of “5th Generation” cellular technologies.

The primary focus of advancements in 5G technologies is to significantly boost data speeds and, perhaps more importantly, reduce data latency. Latency refers to the time delay before data transmission, so lower latency results in quicker data transfer between locations. These high-speed, low-latency capabilities are particularly valuable for data-intensive applications such as augmented reality and autonomous vehicles.

It’s worth noting that CAT-M1 and NB-IoT are expected to outlast traditional 4G services and are likely to remain in use alongside 5G services. Additionally, even in areas without 4G or 5G coverage, CAT-M1 or NB-IoT networks may still be available.


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