DSAM Digital Services Activation Meter (DISCONTINUED)
This has been made obsolete and replaced with ONX CATV
An All-in-One Tester Designed for Your Business
Handheld field meter for DOCSIS/EuroDOCSIS cable modem installation; enables cable installers to increase the speed and efficiency in deploying high-speed data and video services.
Addresses the demands of IP testing with TruPacket suite of IP tests, both over RF and Ethernet interfaces. Wide range of configurations available to cover the fundamental needs of installers or fulfillment technicians, through to the troubleshooting needs of service technicians, and to the advanced performance testing needs of the network maintenance technicians.

This has been made obsolete and replaced with ONX CATV
DSAM Digital Services Activation Meter
- The all-in-one tester incorporates state-of-the-art DSP and DOCSIS technologies to test cable modem service, digital video, analog video, and VoIP (optional)
- Finds and troubleshoots customer-affecting issues with MACTrak™ and Field View QAM™ over RF and Ethernet interfaces
- Rugged, lightweight design withstands rain, cold, heat, hits, drops, and other accidental mishaps
- A wide range of configurations are available to cover the fundamental needs of installers or fulfillment technicians (DSAM-2000), through the troubleshooting needs of service technicians (DSAM-2300 or DSAM-3300), and to the advanced performance testing needs of network maintenance technicians (DSAM-3300 and DSAM-6300)
- A cloud-based, browser-accessible platform manages test activities, maintains an accurate inventory of DSAM meters, and baselines network and technician/contractor performance