MSQ Handheld QAM Signal Level Meter (Discontinued)

MSQ Handheld QAM Signal Level Meter

This has been made obsolete and replaced with DSP Series Meters

The MSQ signal level meter is the ideal tool for installation and field technicians seeking to quickly ensure the quality of RF analog and digital cable services. MER, Pre-FEC and Post-FEC BER, digiCheck™ Digital Power Level, Analog video level, V/A level, Carrier-to-Noise (C/N). AutoTest™, fast automated testing to qualify multiple digital and analog channels with pass and fail indications. AutoPlan™, Industry-leading automatic channel plan builder with digital QAM detection.

Return Scan for finding ingress in the return frequencies. Scan and Tilt measurements to show frequency distortion problems. Return ingress scan for identifying upstream ingress issues.

Available for short term rentals. Rent it Today
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This has been made obsolete and replaced with DSP Series Meters


  • Accelerate the digitization of cable services while ensuring quality of service
  • Reduce the service call rate by properly testing digital services quickly at every install
  • Troubleshoot analog and digital services faster by isolating problems quickly
  • Ensure customer service quality with Digital QAM carrier performance testing
  • Increase the consistency of field technician performance
  • Cost effectively deploy your QAM SLM to the field workforce with confidence in quality and performance