
VIAVI’s Optimeter is a simple to use, intelligent optical meter that performs a full certification and troubleshooting of a fibre link in less than 1 min.

Guarantee first time install completion rate

  • Deliver repeatable test procedure to qualify (or disqualify) the drop cable on the first truck roll
  • On-the-go troubleshooting to find/diagnose any issue immediately if install fails and determine ownership of repair (improved dispatch accuracy)

Reduce OPEX/troubleshooting expenses

  • Reduce blank fault finding with fault identification and break localization when prem tech still on-site
  • Avoid troubleshooting tickets escalation, unnecessary replacement of drop cable or ONT/CPE

Track deployment progress and KPIs in real time

  • New test flow & workflow delivers repeatable test procedure ensuring tech & contractor MOP compliance
  • Direct upload of install reports tied to job number into the cloud/database
Available for short term rentals. Rent it Today
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If you’re in the market for an optical fibre meter that’s specifically designed for FTTH install, then look no further than Optimeter. This cutting-edge tool addresses the unique challenges faced by service providers, techs, and contractors who are under pressure to meet the rising demand for PON/FTTH services.

With Optimeter, you’ll be able to certify the last mile drop installation and turn-up with on-the-go troubleshooting, all on a single, easy-to-use screen. Whether you’re a seasoned technician or new to the field, Optimeter is designed to support techs of all experience levels.

One of the biggest challenges facing service providers is the high failure rate of first-time installs, which can result in unnecessary job hand-offs or escalations, drop fibre replacements, and multiple truck rolls. But with Optimeter, you can significantly improve your first-time install success rate while reducing unnecessary handovers, repeat truck rolls, and other troubleshooting expenses.

Moreover, Optimeter’s user-friendly interface provides all the necessary pass/fail, fault identification, and fault location information. This enables techs to quickly certify the last mile drop, identify issues, and determine whether they’re responsible for fixing them while they’re still on-site. Optimeter even goes beyond the demarcation point to identify which workgroup is responsible for a section of the network, ensuring a smooth hand-off to the correct repair team.

For service providers, ensuring that PON/FTTX last mile installation and maintenance happens right the first time is critical to turning a profit on new customer installations and avoiding delayed customer revenue or churn. Optimeter delivers repeatable test procedures and consistent workflows, which are key to reducing early-life fails and call backs. The StrataSync Test Process Automation suite also streamlines job allocation, workflow, and reporting, allowing you to manage both direct techs and contractors with the same solution.

Key Features and Benefits:

  • Optical fibre meter for connector inspection, power measurement and fault finding
  • No training required, ramp up new techs faster
  • All information on a single screen for instant fault diagnosis
  • Works on live or dark fibres (Filtered 1650nm)
  • Determine ONT/ONU connectivity without premise access
  • User Interface & Test Flow optimized for Last Mile Turn-Up & Repair
    • GPON/XG(S)-PON Power Levels verification
    • Fibre break location & Fault identification & location
    • Splitter continuity check (pat. pending)
      • Fibre connectivity to splitter confirmation when no light received on the
        customer side.
    • ONT/ONU connectivity check
      • Confirm fibre into the premise is good and ONT/ONU is connected without
        entering the premise
  • Clear fault ownership, end-to-end and splitter continuity check (pat. pending)
  • Capture results automatically with on-board report generation (.pdf) tied to work order
  • Auto submission of results direct to StrataSync Test Process Automation suite
  • Built-in VFL/Red Light (Option)
  • Connector Inspection capability (with P5000i or FiberChek probe)
  • Auto result storage & on-board reporting live from the field (including .pdf & .sor file format)
  • Compatible with VIAVI Test Process Automation (TPA) Suite
  • Job Manager (basic), MobileTech App & StrataSync