All-in-one field sync tester
Calnex Sentinel is a comprehensive all-in-one field sync tester that provides lab-quality performance in a portable and user-friendly package. It offers a range of advanced features for testing and optimizing various networks, including 3G/4G/5G mobile backhaul, E911/critical infrastructure, data centers, financial networks, and power communications. Some of the key capabilities of Calnex Sentinel include long-term PTP TE measurements with or without GNSS, the ability to perform multiple clock and packet measurements simultaneously, compatibility with Paragon-X for capture/replay, and over-the-air time error testing. Additionally, it offers extensive testing capabilities for standards such as G.8265.1/G.8275.1/G.8275.2, PTP Pseudo Slave for PDV/2wayTE to ITU-T specifications, PTP protocol check and packet capture, NTP Pseudo Client for PDV/2wayTE performance, SyncE wander and ESMC measurements, and packet field verifier. With these features, Calnex Sentinel is a versatile tool for testing and analyzing synchronization in a wide range of networks.
With the promise of faster and more reliable mobile networks and an increased number of connections, the implementation of 5G technology requires a higher density of base stations, which can be costly. To make this process more cost-effective, it’s important to optimize spectrum and eliminate connectors, but this requires excellent interference management and synchronization within strict standards. Additionally, the elimination of guard bands between operators presents challenges in avoiding interference. That’s why the use of an over-the-air measurement system like Calnex Sentinel is essential. Calnex Sentinel is equipped with a GPS receiver and rubidium source that provide a time reference to determine the cell id and calculate time errors, making it a critical tool for 5G network testing and deployment.
Key Features and Benefits:
- PTP, NTP, SyncE and TDM in one box
- Measure ALL parameters at the SAME time:
- Network Time Error, network PDV, network Wander (SyncE, TDM) and clock output (frequency and phase)
- Identify what the issue is and where it’s coming from (network, switch, nodeB etc.)
- Flexible network connection options:
- As a pseudo-slave connected to network switches
- As a network monitor, monitoring live network PDV and Time Error
- Long-term measurement capability to find intermittent issues
- Ethernet for control, USB connectivity for external storage
- Remote operation: VNC or API
- Embedded GNSS Receiver and high stability Rubidium (Rb) Clock