Telco Test Equipment Training

Hands on - Instructor led training

Do you have test equipment that you don’t know how to use? We can help!

We offer training courses to help you understand how to use your test equipment, no matter what brand it is. We can teach you the technology, how to use it correctly, and how to understand the results. This training is perfect for technicians who are using test equipment for the first time, or for those who want to understand the technology better. You can take the course online or in person. By taking the course, you will be able to correctly use and test fiber cables, reduce maintenance calls, and understand how to properly test different technologies. Enroll today!

100% Safe Online Checkout

100% Safe Checkout

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100% Safe Online Checkout

100% Safe Checkout



  • Technicians operating new test equipment for the first time
  • New Technicians operating existing test equipment for the first time
  • Staff needing to understand the underlying technology to be tested, and the standards that relate to testing that technology
  • Staff needing hands on practice (i.e. Operating and interpreting an OTDR, Fusion Splicing and testing fibre optics)


  • Be able to correctly install, terminate and test fibre cables.
  • Reduce maintenance calls due to incorrect installation, termination or testing
  • Understand how to properly test a technology (i.e. RFC2544 for Ethernet UNI, Y.1564 for Ethernet EVC)
  • Be able to verify test results and correctly PASS/FAIL a circuit or service, and produce reports to support the test.


PREREQUISITES: There are no specific prerequisites for this course.

METHODOLOGY: Interactive classroom based, with lectures, discussions and hands on exercises using a mix of yours and our test equipment and network / circuit simulators.

COURSE DURATION: Typically 1 to 3days / Dates Mutually agreed

Contact us with details of your requirement. With 37 years of experience in Telecommunications and 24 years in Test and Measurement, we’ll be able to tailor a solution to meet your needs. !